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Text File | 1993-05-10 | 28.7 KB | 627 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#176/10-May-93
- =====================
- We present the first of our three-part look at MIDI on the
- Macintosh, so pay attention if you've ever wondered about
- music on the Mac. This week also brings the release of the
- latest and greatest version of Easy View, a look at a strange
- modem problem and its solution, and the scoop on how an FPU
- (floating point unit or math coprocessor) interacts with the
- LC III. Finally, information on how to get a free Microsoft
- Mail to SMTP gateway.
- Copyright 1990-1993 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Caveat lector. Publication, product, and company
- names may be registered trademarks of their companies. Disk
- subscriptions and back issues are available - email for details.
- For information send email to info@tidbits.com or ace@tidbits.com
- CIS: 72511,306 -- AppleLink: ace@tidbits.com@internet#
- AOL: Adam Engst -- Delphi: Adam_Engst -- BIX: TidBITS
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/10-May-93
- LC III/FPU Issues
- Easy View 2.32 Released
- Modem Follies
- MIDI and the Macintosh - Part I
- Reviews/10-May-93
- [Archived as /info-mac/digest/tb/tidbits-176.etx; 29K]
- MailBITS/10-May-93
- ------------------
- If you're a student heading home for the summer and you subscribe
- to the TidBITS LISTSERV, please cancel your subscription before
- leaving. It's only polite, and you can hop back on when you have
- access again. If you will have access from a different account and
- wish to change your subscription, that's cool too. In that case,
- just SIGNOFF from the original account and then SUBSCRIBE from the
- new account. Thanks for keeping the net clean.
- To remove yourself from our mailing list, send email to:
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- **Information Electronics** followed up on their recent
- announcement of a new SMTP mail gateway for Microsoft Mail with
- word that a limited-time evaluation version of the gateway is
- available for download, free of charge, from their support
- bulletin board. IE's FirstClass server can be reached at 607/868-
- 3393. The demo software expires on 17-May-93. Jeff Parker,
- Information Electronics -- jeff@support.ie.com
- **Double-sided Printing** -- Several people wrote to warn against
- printing on the back of already-printed sheets of paper, as
- recommended in TidBITS #175_. Joe Gurman relayed information from
- a repair person who claimed that some high-speed printers (the one
- in question was an older Ricoh engine used in the Talaris 1590
- printstation) were more likely to jam when using reused paper
- because of changes in the paper when it was exposed to the high
- heat in the laser engine the first time through.
- Another reader claimed that some laser printers contaminate the
- paper with small quantities of fuser oil, and reusing printed
- paper can cause this contaminant to migrate to places it doesn't
- belong, such as the rollers that grab the paper. If anyone knows
- for sure about this issue (in other words, if you're a printer
- repair person or printer engineer, not just relaying a possible
- computer legend) please let us know and we'll try to settle this
- issue once and for all. In the meantime, if you wish to play it
- safe, check with your printer manufacturer.
- LC III/FPU Issues
- -----------------
- A friend from Apple writes to clarify the LC III/FPU issue raised
- a while back in TidBITS #169_.
- I understand the following to be the case:
- * If there is no FPU on the motherboard, and none on the card, no
- problem.
- * If there is no FPU on the motherboard, and there is one on the
- card, the system uses the one on the card, albeit at 16 MHz.
- * If there is an FPU on the motherboard, and there is none on the
- card, the system uses the one on the motherboard, at 25 MHz.
- * If there is an FPU on the motherboard, and there is one on the
- card, the system uses the one on the motherboard, at 25 MHz.
- The FPU on the motherboard, since it is physically linked to the
- CPU, takes priority, in a manner of speaking. Removing a 16 MHz
- FPU from a PDS card and placing it in the 25 MHz socket on the
- motherboard will likely cause unexpected results. The 16 MHz part
- will probably crash the system. In other words - DON'T DO IT!
- If an LC card with an FPU crashes an LC III, I would first look at
- other incompatibilities with the card by contacting the vendor. I
- contacted Technology Works, whose cards for the LC that include an
- FPU will work in the LC III, but the software for the cards is not
- yet ready. I imagine the case is similar with cards from other
- companies.
- Information from:
- Pythaeus
- Easy View 2.32 Released
- -----------------------
- I recently uploaded Easy View 2.32, the latest version of Akif
- Eyler's free structured text file browser. Easy View recognizes
- the following formats:
- * setext, including TidBITS
- * Info-Mac, comp.sys.mac.programmer, or similar digests
- * Mail collections: Internet, Navigator, Notebook, etc.
- * Text with "simple" format
- * Dictionaries
- * Plain text
- However, there's nothing new in that list - I just wanted to grab
- the interest of people who haven't yet come out from under their
- rocks to try Easy View. It's a wonderful program, and if you can
- spare a few floppy disks, you can download all the issues of
- TidBITS from sumex-aim.stanford.edu in the info-mac/digest/tb
- directory and browse through them with Easy View instead of asking
- me about that article that might have been in TidBITS about a
- month ago that was something do with conflicts between video cards
- and certain phases of the moon. Hey, all I do is search in Easy
- View. Back issues are easy to get, so give Easy View a try.
- The basic principle is that you pop straight text files into a
- folder with an Easy View view (they used to be called indexes);
- then you can add those files to the view. The most common problems
- people have are with non-text files and not putting the text files
- in the same folder as the view.
- You can download the latest version of Easy View from the usual
- spots, including America Online in the Macintosh Hardware New
- Files library, ZiffNet/Mac in the ZMC:DOWNTECH #0 library as
- EASYVW.SIT, CompuServe in the CIS:MACAPP #2 library as EV232.SIT,
- and on sumex-aim.stanford.edu for anonymous FTP as:
- /info-mac/app/easy-view-232.hqx
- Note that the file hasn't appeared on CompuServe or the Internet
- as I write this, so I can't be absolutely sure about the locations
- or filenames for those last two sites.
- New Features
- Easy View 2.32 has a spate of new features, including the ability
- to open the text file you are viewing in the application that
- created it using Apple events under System 7. I haven't the
- foggiest idea if this works under System 6, but I don't think it
- could, so add it to your list of reasons to upgrade. This feature
- works by sending a message to the Finder, telling the Finder to
- open that document with the application that created it. In my
- case that's Nisus, so it works like a charm, but if you don't have
- Nisus, or your email program assigns another creator code to the
- text file when you download, another application will open. If you
- don't have the appropriate application, the Finder will complain.
- In that case, get one of those drag & drop applications (they
- usually work under System 6 too) that can change the file type and
- creator of a bunch of files (I think one is called BunchTyper and
- another is FileTyper).
- Many people complained about Easy View's case-sensitivity in the
- past. I guess sensitive programs went out with in the 1980s, and
- Akif has obliged by adding a filter feature (yes, much like a
- filter feeder) that provides case-insensitive searches along with
- the ability to ignore diacritical marks. That's important to Akif
- because he deals with script systems and text in Turkish. Also to
- satisfy complainers, Akif added a "Search from top" option in the
- Find dialog that does what it says. Without that option checked,
- Easy View searches from the current location on down, which is
- more efficient if you know where to start.
- Aesthetics are possible in Easy View 2.32 as well, as Akif
- supports the font styles (**bold**, ~italic~, and _underline_ )
- that have existed in setext since the beginning. I don't use a lot
- of them, since it's poor practice to overuse emphasis in text, but
- they do come in handy at times, and you can define your own
- settings for each setext style. If you turn styles on (it's a
- simple toggle) and copy some styled text, the clipboard contents
- are also styled, so applications that support styled clipboards
- will retain the appropriate styles when you paste. However, I must
- warn you that Easy View has had occasional problems with styles,
- so if you experience any, shut off styles and see if the problems
- go away. If not, then tell Akif. We were unable to isolate the
- sporadic problems with styles in beta testing. The styles feature
- is still an experiment, and isn't fully supported, so you won't be
- able to print styled text, text-selection may misbehave, and word
- wrap may not work right. The solution is simple in all cases -
- shut the styles off. Styles also reduce performance, so shut them
- off during extensive searches.
- Text scrolling now works correctly so Easy View retains an overlap
- with the previous window. Without that overlap, it was easy to get
- lost while reading in Easy View; the overlap provides a context
- switch between screens of text.
- Finally, Easy View can now use the Finder's temporary memory for
- parsing under System 7, so you may be able to get away with
- allocating less memory to Easy View. I still up the default by a
- couple of hundred K, but I use Easy View to view many megabytes of
- archived email and discussions.
- Once again, kudos and thanks to Akif for making my life easier,
- and I certainly hope you can all use Easy View to make your lives
- easier too.
- Modem Follies
- -------------
- by Mark H. Anbinder, Contributing Editor -- mha@tidbits.com
- Are you experiencing strange line-noise problems with your modem
- sometimes, but not all the time? I'd like to share a recent
- experience and perhaps spare some of you the full agony of
- troubleshooting such a problem.
- One of my fellow user-group members and a user of my bulletin
- board, Memory Alpha, had been complaining that he could call
- CompuServe when his PowerBook's PowerPort/Gold modem was hooked to
- his upstairs phone jack, but when he plugged the PowerPort/Gold
- into his downstairs phone jack, his connections always failed; the
- screen quickly filled with garbage. Neither Global Village (the
- PowerPort's manufacturer) nor I could come up with any reason that
- he should reliably see such different results using two different
- jacks on the same phone line.
- After I offered a few suggestions via email, none of which helped,
- I decided to visit and try to analyze the problem directly.
- Naturally, when we sat down so he could demonstrate the problem at
- his downstairs phone jack, we connected to CompuServe just fine.
- Figuring that this was an intermittent problem (despite his
- insistence to the contrary), I fiddled a bit, and showed him how
- to activate the modem's error correction from within CompuServe's
- Navigator software. This, I felt, should help even if the problem
- returned. (Ithaca is lucky enough to have a local CompuServe
- access number equipped with a high-speed modem and error
- correction.) Not wanting to give up without seeing the problem at
- all, we tried from the upstairs jack. Worked fine. We then
- returned downstairs... and suddenly saw exactly the problem he'd
- been describing!
- What had changed? We realized that, after our brief experiment
- upstairs, we'd left the telephone plugged in. Some further
- experimentation proved that, as long as that phone wasn't plugged
- in, the modem worked fine either upstairs or downstairs. With the
- phone plugged in, though, we were reliably unable to get a
- connection from the downstairs jack.
- The moral of this story? Well, despite all reason, it seems that
- sometimes other devices on the line interfere with your modem
- connection, even when the devices are on-hook and seemingly
- inactive. Most likely the problem is due to the fact that this is
- an electronic phone, which draws a little bit of power from the
- line even when it's not "doing" anything. Before tossing your
- modem in the junk-heap or angrily exchanging it for another brand,
- you'll want to check your wiring and try temporarily removing
- phones or other devices from the line.
- MIDI and the Macintosh - Part I
- -------------------------------
- by Shekhar Govind -- govind@utxvm.cc.utexas.edu
- Technical editing by Craig O'Donnell -- dadadata@world.std.com
- and Nick Rothwell -- cassiel@cassiel.demon.co.uk
- This Mac-MIDI musical offering is organized in three movements, an
- introduction and discussion of MIDI, a look at MIDI software on
- the Macintosh, and finally, some information on MIDI hardware,
- some of it specific to the Mac. We'll look at each movement in a
- separate issue of TidBITS, so make sure to check out the next two
- issues.
- 1. Introduction to MIDI
- The Antecedents
- The Effects
- How MIDI Works
- MIDI and General MIDI
- Further Readings
- 2. MIDI software for the Macintosh
- Applications Software
- Additional System Software
- Gooey Crimes
- 3. MIDI Hardware
- Interface
- Macs
- Controllers
- Samplers and Synthesizers
- Coda
- Introduction to MIDI
- Picture yourself as a musician, composing and arranging each part
- of, say a quartet, printing the sheet music, playing, and
- flawlessly recording (in CD quality, of course) the entire
- performance. Did we mention you could do all this by yourself on
- your Mac? You are the publisher, the composer, the band, the
- conductor, and the sound engineer - all rolled into one. As Zonker
- Harris would say "Imagine!" If you'd rather live the scenario than
- imagine it, step into the world of MIDI where you can spend as
- little as $600 or so for software, an interface, and a used
- synthesizer, or as much as $50,000 for a complete MIDI-based
- production studio.
- The MIDI specification (MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital
- Interface) enables synthesizers, sequencers, personal computers,
- drum machines, etc. to interconnect through a standard protocol
- via an inexpensive serial hardware interface. Even though the
- operating system within each device may be different, MIDI gives
- musicians "plug and play" synth-computer communication as easily
- as LocalTalk lets Mac owners connect a few Macs and a laser
- printer. Any MIDI-savvy musical instrument can connect to a Mac
- (or for that matter, to any other PC) with a MIDI interface
- attached to the serial port. With so-called "sequencing" software
- running on the Mac, a musical piece played on the instrument will
- be faithfully "recorded" on the Mac for editing and playback. (As
- explained later, the sequencer does not record the audio sound; it
- records performance information only.)
- The Antecedents
- It is important to remember that MIDI was created to simplify live
- performances. During the 1981 fall convention of the Audio
- Engineering Society, Dave Smith and Chet Wood, two engineers from
- the synthesizer manufacturer Sequential Circuits (creators of the
- popular Prophet-5 synthesizer) proposed an industry standard for
- an electronic musical instrument interface. The idea was that
- performers should not have to create custom cables and devices to
- connect synthesizers. Instead, they should be able to "plug and
- play" with units from different manufacturers. (This was not the
- case before, when Moog synthesizers could not talk to ARP 2600s
- and neither would talk to Buchla Music Boxes.) Dubbed the
- Universal Synthesizer Interface (USI), this draft proposal was
- modified by the techies of various synthesizer manufacturers
- (Oberheim, Roland, Korg, Yamaha, and others of their ilk). A
- consensus was orchestrated on the revised proposal and in late
- 1982 (drum-rolls please) the first set of universal MIDI
- specifications was adopted.
- The Effect
- MIDI turned into an unanticipated success, rocketing sales in the
- synthesizer category to the top of the musical instrument industry
- within a few years. New companies like Opcode and Digidesign
- appeared overnight in what had previously been a sedate and
- technophobic industry. In the early 1970s the best-selling
- synthesizer keyboard (the MiniMoog) sold only about 12,000 units,
- and in the late 1970s the best seller (the Korg Poly6) sold some
- 100,000 units; the best seller during the dawn of the MIDI age,
- the Yamaha DX7, combined new sounds and MIDI to sell at least
- triple the previous record (exact numbers are hard to find).
- How MIDI Works
- MIDI translates a predefined set of performance events at one
- instrument, called the master controller, into digital messages
- that are sent to other devices over a low-speed serial link
- operating at 31.25 kbps - about twice the speed of a v.32bis
- modem. To make it easy to keep musical information going where it
- should, these events are encoded on any of 16 independent logical
- channels within the MIDI data stream.
- A synthesizer receiving this incoming data stream responds by
- playing music. Imagine playing a series of half-note C major
- chords on Middle C on a DX7 synthesizer wired to one or more other
- synthesizers. In this case, the receiving MIDI device plays a
- matching chord in perfect synchronization with the DX7. But (and
- this is a big but) the receiving instrument may use a different
- instrument sound, or "patch" (a patch being a particular synth
- voice - grand piano, hot guitar, sax, viola, what have you),
- depending on its settings. The chord is the same, but the
- generated sounds within each synthesizer may differ. In other
- words, MIDI keeps track of the performance events, and not the
- audio sounds. Further, a MIDI keyboard can control a number of
- sound-producing synthesizers without any computers involved, and
- without any recording of the digital data.
- As an example, consider a DX7 wired up to a Sound Canvas which is
- in turn wired to a Proteus. (Sound Canvas and Proteus are "sound
- modules" or electronic musical instruments with a synthesizer's
- sounds/circuitry but without the keyboard.) The musician plays a
- half-note C4 series on the DX7 keyboard (which could be patched to
- sound like a piano.) Notes, timing, and other performance
- information is transmitted to the keyboard-less Sound Canvas and
- Proteus sound modules (which could be patched as, say an organ and
- strings respectively).
- Schematically, it would look like:
- DX7 - MIDI cable -> Sound Canvas - MIDI cable -> Proteus (master)
- plays C4 plays C4 plays C4
- as piano as organ as strings
- The two sound modules play the same chord as the DX7; but the
- actual sounds generated within each module use a different
- instrument sound, or patch.
- People did pre-MIDI data recording and editing with special
- hardware. Some of the most sophisticated pre-MIDI systems came
- from Sequential and Oberheim and consisted of keyboards, drum
- machines and a hardware recorder (called a "sequencer") connected
- by proprietary data links and cabling. Around the same time
- Fairlight and PPG offered integrated systems controlled by a piano
- keyboard, keypad, and CRT.
- Here is an example of a simple Mac-based MIDI setup. A MIDI
- keyboard (we'll stick with the DX7) interfaces to a Mac serial
- port with a $60 MIDI interface and two MIDI cables, one from the
- keyboard's MIDI output to the interface input, and one from the
- interface output to the keyboard's MIDI input. The MIDI data links
- are unidirectional to keep everything simple and inexpensive.
- Schematically, MIDI data travels like this:
- DX7 output>->MIDI cable 1>->interface in
- interface port<->serial cable<->Mac port
- DX7 input<--<MIDI cable 2<-<interface out
- The two MIDI data links convert to a bidirectional serial signal
- inside the MIDI interface.
- Consider this. You launch an inexpensive sequencer program like
- Opcode's EZVision and tell it to record incoming MIDI data. When
- you play a note on the synth, a message is sent to the Mac
- identifying the key, how hard you struck it, for what duration
- held it down, etc. The software stores this information. Once you
- play the music and all performance information has been recorded,
- you can edit individual musical events on the screen in much the
- same way you edit text in a word processor.
- To reiterate, a MIDI sequencer file is only performance
- information, not the sounds themselves. The universal
- standardization of MIDI has made it possible to use software
- sequencers instead of the earlier proprietary hardware sequencers.
- If the sequencer software is a high-end package, sheet music can
- be displayed on screen, and printed from the MIDI "sequence" file.
- The MIDI performance data can be edited, looped, reversed, the
- tempo can be changed for playback, and the entire piece can be
- transposed to different keys. In short, the data can be processed
- separately and in a more innovative manner compared to anything in
- the audio domain. Finally, the file may be resent as MIDI commands
- back to the synth for flawless playback.
- One showcase MIDI music CD is "Switched-on Bach 2000." Wendy
- Carlos's re-recording for the 25th anniversary of the hit
- classic(al) album "Switched-on Bach" was produced on a Mac IIfx.
- Wendy Carlos owns a stunning array of advanced synth gear,
- however, so remember that the Mac isn't making the sounds; the
- synthesizers are.
- MIDI and General MIDI
- MIDI commands are 8-bit binary serial messages with 16 encoded
- channels. A master keyboard, one cable, and a slave device make up
- the simplest possible MIDI network. Once a computer is connected
- to the MIDI network, messages can be captured by a sequencing
- program and saved as a Standard MIDI file, a cross-platform
- standard. This means that MIDI music is, to a certain extent,
- device-independent. A Standard MIDI file played on Synth A and
- recorded on a Mac can play back on Synth B which is connected to a
- PC clone.
- While most synths respond to the complete set of MIDI commands, a
- few older (and cheaper) models don't. Many of the latest
- generation of synths understand "General MIDI," a new subset of
- MIDI specifications from the MIDI Manufacturers' Association. In a
- nutshell, General MIDI specifies a few hundred consistent
- instrument sounds which all General MIDI synthesizers can play.
- Why the need for General MIDI? Well, to start with, for years and
- years, synth manufacturers invented their own "map" of sounds, or
- voices. As an example, a Roland synth and a Korg synth would both
- have a Grand Piano as one of the instruments they could emulate.
- However, the "address" of the Grand Piano in the ROM would be
- different for the two synths - or put another way, the two synths
- would assign different patch numbers to the Grand Piano sound.
- Furthermore, one synth might have 48 different Grand Piano sounds
- and another might have four. An expensive synth might have 256
- pre-programmed patches and a cheap one, 32.
- This free-for-all made it impossible to take a fully-orchestrated
- MIDI file from a Korg M1, load it into a computer, and play the
- music as the composer intended on a Proteus from E-Mu. You'd get
- music all right, but instead of violins during the intro, you
- might hear a flute. For the music to sound as originally intended,
- someone would have to revoice (or "repatch") the arrangement for
- the new output device.
- So we lied to you a little bit before. MIDI files aren't strictly
- device-independent when it comes to playing the **original**
- sounds. General MIDI solves this because within a certain subset
- of MIDI, it specifies instruments which all synthesizers can
- share. Of course, any manufacturer is free to go beyond General
- To use MIDI in multimedia, and to put MIDI chips on sound cards,
- there has to be agreement on what sound is assigned to which patch
- number. Remember, MIDI is tone-deaf and doesn't know a Hammond
- Organ from a Tam-Tam. MIDI just broadcasts signals such as: "Yo!
- Synth on Channel 1! Set Patch 45! Now play these chords!"
- Unfortunately, with complex orchestrations, the results can be
- unintentionally hilarious. A piece of well-crafted music ends up
- sounding more like the Portsmouth Sinfonia, Spike Jones, or Peter
- Schickele.
- General MIDI also answers a question that's a shade more esoteric
- - "What do I do with the drumkit?" (Musicians who play live would
- probably phrase this as "What the h*** do I do with the drummer?")
- In MIDI, a couple of drumkits may be contained in a single patch
- with individual drums and cymbals assigned to different notes on
- the piano keyboard. For example, a drum patch on your keyboard
- might map C2 to bass drum, C#2 to a rim shot, D2 to a snare drum,
- E# to a china cymbal etc.. (Yes, you can play drums from the
- keyboard!) Different drumkits could be different patches. You
- might have:
- Patch # Type of Drumkit
- 45 light jazz kit
- 46 rock kit
- 47 electronic rock kit
- 48 orchestral percussion
- A synth needs to listen for drum commands on a given MIDI channel
- so that the notes come out as hi-hat and snare instead of as
- flugelhorn notes. We have already discussed that General MIDI
- specifies a standard patch number for a particular instrument
- (including drums). But which of the 16 possible channels could
- possibly be broadcasting the drum events? Well, prior to General
- MIDI there was no default channel number for drums that everyone
- agreed on. Now there is - Channel 10 is reserved for drums.
- In a certain sense, General MIDI restricts MIDI in that it makes
- demands of the instruments to conform to a limited set of sounds
- and a minimum capability. It is not necessarily the future of MIDI
- and synthesis; it is merely the lowest common denominator for
- people who want to orchestrate music for a predefined palette of
- sounds. General MIDI music can be ported as MIDI files and will
- continue to sound similar on different hardware setups (for
- example, for multimedia applications) without requiring patch
- remapping.
- The MIDI specification can be purchased from International MIDI
- Association (which is just that - a worldwide MIDI user group)
- with offices at:
- International MIDI Association
- 1185 Hartsook Street
- North Hollywood, CA 91607
- Other technical information about MIDI is available on the
- Internet via FTP from, among other places, <ucsd.edu> and
- <louie.udel.edu>.
- Further Readings
- Don't be lulled into a false sense of complacency. Like any
- computer communications language, MIDI becomes complex once you
- move beyond a simple setup with a couple of synths and a Mac.
- (Just as integrating Macintoshes into a PC network is more
- challenging than setting up a couple of computers at home with
- System 7 File Sharing.)
- For further edification, you may want to delve into some MIDI
- reference books. Steve De Furia has authored (and coauthored)
- several informative general and Mac-specific MIDI books. Keyboard
- Magazine has published several useful volumes and "Special Focus
- Guides" for a detailed look at MIDI and synth basics. Craig
- Anderton's readable "MIDI for Musicians" is a classic. Most
- libraries (and fine bookstores) offer at least a dozen other
- publications about using MIDI and creating MIDI software. Like
- most things technical, MIDI is a moving target and new books
- appear each year.
- Tune in next week for a look at MIDI software for the Macintosh.
- Reviews/10-May-93
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 03-May-93, Vol. 7, #18
- HP LaserJet 4Si MX -- pg. 63
- Tempo II Plus 3.0 -- pg. 64
- General MIDI Modules -- pg. 68
- SoundCanvas SC-55
- Yamaha TG100
- Apple Adjustable Keyboard -- pg. 69
- Safe & Sound -- pg. 69
- ..
- This text is wrapped as a setext. For more information send email
- with the single word "setext" (no quotes) in the Subject: line to
- <fileserver@tidbits.com>. A file will be returned promptly.
- For information on TidBITS: how to subscribe to our mailing list,
- where to find back issues, how to search issues on the Internet's
- WAIS, and other useful stuff, send email to: <info@tidbits.com>